Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year! We are very excited for all that 2023 will bring, but most importantly…the arrival of our son! God has blessed us abundantly throughout 2022, and we are so grateful for the many gifts he’s given us.

January 1st is a good day for reflection. Like any other year, 2022 came with its ups and downs. We have experienced some difficulties, just as we have experienced some celebrations. However, it’s critical to look back on the year in review and grow from our “learning opportunities,” thus preparing us for a stronger future.

We shouldn’t just reflect on the past, though…we should be considering our present and our future in this reflective state. New Years is a time for resolutions, and whether or not you are one to make concrete resolutions, it’s a good practice to at least contemplate areas in our life that could use improvement.

For me, personally, I see some character flaws that I would like to improve upon…especially before our boy arrives. Although, if I know how God works, I imagine my character growth will be tested most when I’m at my lowest. It will be during these moments that I reap the benefits of preparation…all of this to say, use today (and perhaps this week) to work on yourself as you determine areas in your life that can (and potentially should) be improved upon. That way, when the rocky roads ahead hit, you’ll at least have your goals in mind for how you want to handle them.

There are many ways to improve, but I know personally, it will be crucial that I turn to scripture, spend time in prayer, and seek wise counsel. The Bible is constantly challenging me…reminding me that I am a sinner saved by grace. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is a gift of God; it is not from works, so no one may boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). My time in prayer often leads me to gratitude…that I’m not left to handle my sin alone, but that God sent Jesus to die for my sins on the cross. Finally, seeking wise counsel is so tricky – it takes humility (which I struggle with) – but it is so helpful when you consider that others will likely see your shortcomings much clearer than you will.

I pray that you will spend time reflecting on your own life this week! What are areas that you can improve upon? Where do you see God working most? How will these life lessons prepare you for the future?