A Busy Author’s Press Kit

I was listening to a podcast by Author Media in an episode on Novel Marketing about the creation of an Author Press Kit, and so I thought…why not!? Here is what I learned about a Press Kit:

  1. It is critical to have a Press Kit on your website for journalists, podcasters, radio show hosts, and TV producers to review.
  2. Having a Press Kit can open up interview opportunities.
  3. It doesn’t take long to create a Press Kit.
  4. A Press Kit showcases your work in an easy-to-read and accessible manner.

As a result, I dedicated my Saturday to creating a Press Kit! My goal is to make it easy for TV producers, radio show hosts, journalist, and podcasters to visit my website, access my work, and hopefully book me for an interview. So, why has it taken me so long to venture down this simple path?

If I’m being honest, much of my day is dedicated to my work as an Online Visiting Professor at four different universities. This means that I am up to my neck in emails, discussion forum posts, written assignment submissions, essay grading, speech assessments, announcements, video recordings, and overall course facilitation. I have an amazing job…yes, one that keeps me busy, but one that also allows for a lot of flexibility. It does seem, however, that my final moments of the day – the ones where I can barely keep my eyes open – are the moments I devote to my writing career.

As a result, my platform is building, but on a small scale. I aim to tackle a manageable writing career feat 3-4 times a week; whether that means contacting a local business about a partnership for a potential book signing event, connecting with my publishers about book orders, networking with other authors (from around the world – thanks to social media outlets), recording a tacky TikTok, or actually sitting down in front of a Word document to write. My days are packed full, but I must say, I love what I do!

After a full week, I was pleased to set aside some time and create the start to my Press Kit page featured on my website. The page is linked in the menu, and it includes downloadable content that can help showcase my writing endeavors…as well as create some hype surrounding upcoming releases. My next writing career task will be to create an email subscription list for an Author Newsletter, which will be coming soon. If you are interested in subscribing to my Newsletter, which will include juicy details about what I’ve been up to lately, promotional deals for past publications, and tantalizing excerpts from fans…then stay tuned!!

For now, swing on over to my Press Kit page and take a look. It’s simple…but hopefully effective!