Fun Facts: T.E. Price Edition

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged! I don’t have anything super creative on the docket these days, so I figured I’d share a little more about me through some fun (or perhaps more random) facts. Here are some things you may not have known about T.E. Price:

  1. I was born in Quebec, Canada – but I don’t speak French…much to my chagrin.
  2. When I started talking, my voice was so high pitched that my family called me “squeakers.”
  3. I was a tomboy…I loved playing basketball (or any sport), doing things that required getting dirty, and rocking overalls or ripped jeans like they were going out of style.
  4. When I was in grade 1, I got in trouble for touching other people’s butts.
  5. When my family moved from Canada to America, my personality shut down for about a year as I tried to adjust. I’m loud, outgoing, and love a good laugh…so this was a major shift.
  6. I tried out for the volleyball team so I could be in good physical condition for basketball season…only to discover that I loved volleyball more.
  7. I nearly failed my honors English course in grade 11…yes, English – the topic I currently teach at a university level.
  8. I knew nothing about American History, but managed to pull off one of the highest marks in my honors class on the End of Course exam (and no…I didn’t cheat).
  9. I’ve never shop-lifted.
  10. The only C I ever got in college was in Religion…as a pastor’s daughter, which is shocking if you’ve witnessed my math skills.
  11. I’m terrified of heights.
  12. I have a championship ring.
  13. I can shake my eyes really fast…it’s more like they vibrate. I’ve only met three other people in the world who can do it, and that’s my dad and two sisters. It must be a genetic thing (but if there are others who can do it, I want to know!).
  14. I can’t raise my eyebrows without flaring my nostrils.
  15. I can pretty much quote the entire movie of Just Friends and Clue – although Clue used to terrify me as a kid (lol!).
  16. I have the shortest toes I’ve seen to date…I’m sure there are people out there with stubbier toes than me, so please – feel free to share pictures!
  17. I’ve been to every continent except Africa (and Antartica, of course)…but those are both bucket-list trips.
  18. When I get anxious, I circle my thumb nail around the tip of my middle finger – weird quirk, but I just recently discovered that my mom does this too…and yet, this isn’t a learned behavior.
  19. I’m related to John McCrae, author of the poem “In Flanders Fields,” on my mom’s side, and Sigmund Freud on my dad’s side…yes, it makes for an interesting mix.
  20. There has never been a time in my life when I didn’t believe in God. I’ve questioned God many times, but even in my darkest moments, I couldn’t deny His existence.

So, there you have it, folks…20 of the most random facts about me! Some of you may have already known a few of these facts, but if you didn’t, it might help to explain who I am, and perhaps a little about my writing as well.